by Nikki | Aug 10, 2017 | Stories
Handsome agility dog Monty had been in a collision when playing with a younger dog and injured his shoulder. Monty responded well to massage and his shoulder felt much freer and supple after 3 massage treatments. Monty is back to enjoying agility again.
by Nikki | Aug 10, 2017 | Stories
Cheeky chappy Gwyn was showing signs of slowing up and was uncomfortable being handled, so his owners asked me to give Gwyn a couple of massage treatments to help him.
by Nikki | Aug 10, 2017 | Stories
My dog Scrumpy completely ruptured his cruciate ligament last year which required surgery and 6 weeks cage rest- Not easy for a dog let alone a Border Collie! He now gets regular massages from me to help keep his muscles surrounding the joint in great condition and...
by Nikki | Aug 10, 2017 | Stories
Saturday morning was a Border Collie type of morning! Massaging these 2 lovely collies Volt and Ruby. I also spent time with gorgeous 10 month old collie Giggle getting her used to massage treatments. Then back home to my own collie Scrumpy.
by Nikki | Aug 10, 2017 | Stories
I had the pleasure of massaging this talented girlie Piixie last month. Piixie and her owner Lucie have just returned from Italy representing Great Britain in a European agility competition!
by Nikki | Aug 10, 2017 | Stories
2nd massage with this lovely lad helping his arthritis and sore back. Lovely to hear from his owner that he has lots of energy again and is trying to play with their puppy.